Fonds André Bisson
André has spent most of his professional career at ÉTS. As convinced as he was convincing, he played a decisive role in the development of the university. Very close to the students, especially those in the scientific clubs, André was a true mentor for many. All those who knew him know that André did not count the hours he devoted to the recognition of ÉTS and the next generation of engineers. The André Bisson Fund awards a scholarship each year to a scientific club contributing to sustainable development.

Fonds commémoratif Arvin et Aida
This fund, established in memory of Arvin Morattab and Aida Farzaneh, two ÉTS graduates who lost their lives in the PS752 plane crash on January 8, 2020, will award an annual scholarship to an international student enrolled in the master’s program.

Fonds Babara Daigneault
Barbara Daigneault was the daughter of the late Pierre A. Daigneault, founder of the mechanical engineering department and professor at ÉTS. She was a teaching assistant at ÉTS alongside her father and loved her job. On December 6, 1989, Barbara was one of the 14 victims of the massacre at École Polytechnique, where she was completing her studies in mechanical engineering. She was 22 years old.
This fund was created in 1991 to promote the engineering profession among women and to highlight the involvement of female students in their studies by giving scholarship annually.